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An MTA RPG base gamemode
NG:Installation (YouTube | Vimeo)
- Download the Nerd-Gaming-Public repository from GitHub (Download ZIP towards mid-right of the page) - Navigate to your MTA server folder {mta_installation_directory}/mods/deathmatch - Extract the downloaded files into this folder (acl.xml, mtaserver.conf, resources folder) - Override any existing files - If exists, delete internal.db, registry.db, settings.xml - Navigate to the NGSQL resource: {mta_installation_directory}/mods/deathmatch/resources/NGSQL - Open meta.xml with any text editor (Notepad++ prefered) - If you have an SQL server, modify the DATABASE_NAME, MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_PORT, MYSQL_USER, and MYSQL_PASS setting values to your connection information - If you don't have an SQL server, change the CONNECTION_TYPE setting value to 'sqlite'NG:Access Control List (ACL)
Default: Ever player and resource is in this ACL by default - no special permissionsLevel 1: New staff, extremely limited special permissions
Level 2: Junior staff, still extremely limited speical permissions, but more than Level 1.
Level 3: Full staff, limited special permissions, but mostly given
Level 4: Administrator, very few restricted permissions
Level 5: Owner, no restrictions
For anymore information on the ACLs, please see acl.xml
Global Commands
/report: Report an issue, bug, or player/updates: View a list of server updates
/getpos [=yes/no]: Get your position, copies to clipboard
/LocalChat [msg]: Outputs a message to nearby players
/r [msg]: Outputs a message to law-enforcement chat
/joinevent: Join a pending event
/leaveevent: Leave an event that you are in
/eventhelp: Display event commands with information
/glue: Glue yourself to a vehicle
/unglue: Unglue yourself from a vehicle
/gc: Display a message to your group members
/resign: Quit your job
/net: View your net as a fisherman
/release [player]: Release a player that you have arrested
/peak: View the server peak
/re [msg], /reply [msg]: Reply to the last person that messaged you via the phone
/kill: Kill yourself
/eject [player]: Eject a player from your vehicle
/result [answer]: Answer a pending math question
/playtime: Display your play time in minutes
/punishments: View a panel with your punishmetns by account or serial
/lock: Lock your vehicle that is nearest to you
/cc [msg]: Send a message to people in a vehicle with your
/hideall: Hide all your visible vehicles
Mta Rpg Gamemode Download Windows 10
/reload: Reload your weapon/ngdownload: Copy NG GitHub link to clipboard
/ngver: View NG server version
VIP Players
/laser: Enable/disable weapon laser/lasercolor: Open an interface to modify laser color
/vipchat [msg]: Chat with other VIP members
Staff Commands
Level 1-5 - /jail [player] [seconds] [reason]: Jail a playerLevel 1-5 - /unjail [player]: Unjail a jailed player
Level 1-5 - /math: Create a math question
Level 1-5 - /reports: View a list of reports, from the /report command
Level 1-5 - /staff: Go staff mod
Level 2-5 - /makeevent [event]: Create an event
Level 2-5 - /stopevent: End a current event
Level 3-5 - /spawners: Open interface to create spawners
Level 4-5 - /addupdate: Add a server update to the /updates list
Level 4-5 - /am: Account manager
level 4-5 - /ngupdate: Check for NG Gamemode update
Development Commands
For these commands, NG.IS_IN_DEVELOPMENT in resources/NGGamemode/ng_development.shared.lua must be set to true and your username must be defined as a key in the NG.DEVELOPOERS table in resources/NGGamemode/ng_development.shared.lua)/devsetpos: Save your current position, interior and dimension
/devgopos: Goto your last saved position, interior and dimension
Currently none knownIf you find any bugs, please report them to me.
Add me on Skype: Madex-MTA
Message me on the MTA Forum: xXMADEXx
(All bugs will be fixed in future versions of NG)
The most advanced open source RPG/Real life game mode for Multi Theft Auto. Grand Theft Walrus RPG (or GTW-RPG) was initially created to fill the empty space between more traditional RPG servers, where most players are just running around like headless chickens, and hardcore role play servers where players are enforced to act strictly like they would in real life.
How does it work?
GTW-RPG is basically a directory of individual resources with various purposes, some of them has dependencies while others works individually. All resources are highly optimized in order to provide a lag free experience, even on servers with poor performance.
Live demo
Our live server (powered by 99Stack) is online 24x7 and runs the latest version of GTW-RPG.Check status and IP on our website:
Donate to the project
Donations helps keep the development active, donations can be sent to our Crypto addresses:
BTC: 1LegCyv77MCfvdSZuAnXRaH98PErL88ZUh
DASH XijoqavdCHXc8eCiVoPDbofeuaUbskY1ag
ETH: 0x1C343e689546A8c86088a927CeC532B50835E640
- Mr_Moose
- TheWalrus
- The_Penguin
- Anubhav652
- nokizorque
- Sasu98
- srcanseco
- Luca-spopo
Mta Rpg Gamemode Download Free
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Mta Roleplay Gamemode Download
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