Import PDF score into editing software. Ask Question 1. I would like to import a pdf score into a software tool that recognizes the notes and lets me edit and play the music. Is there any software that can do this? It is designed to work with Sibelius and the MusicXML specification. Music OCR is not an exact science,. MusicXML 3.0 Tutorial MusicXML is a digital sheet music interchange and distribution format. The goal is to create a universal format for common Western music notation, similar to the role that the MP3 format serves for recorded music. The musical information is designed to be usable by notation. PDF-to-XML (pdf2xml.exe). Converting a PDF document into an XML file doesn't come without its problems. PDF-to-XML is an extremely easy-to-use utility that uses an intelligent parsing algorithm that detects all lines, page breaks, and paragraphs and tags them accordingly. How to Convert PDF to Midi File Midi is an industry standard when it comes to music production and digital representation of music. It is widely popular in music production for many reasons, one of them being its smaller size when compared to other audio files. PDFtoMusic Pro converts a PDF file to a MusicXML file which can be opened in Finale and other music notation programs. I’ve spoken about MusicXML on this blog before; it’s a file format created so that musicians using different software packages could communicate with each other.
I would like to import a pdf score into a software tool that recognizes the notes and lets me edit and play the music. Is there any software that can do this?
locked by Dom♦Sep 19 '16 at 19:22
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3 Answers
Neuratron Photoscore is one of several music OCR (optical character recognition) programs available. It is designed to work with Sibelius and the MusicXML specification.
Music OCR is not an exact science, and you have to learn to edit the results and correct numerous errors to get useable output.
I have seen several people who bought a music OCR program and then gave up on it after they discovered that it doesn't work perfectly and automatically. It takes extra work on your part, but it is generally faster than reading scores yourself and manually entering the music into a music notation or DAW (digital audio workstation) program.
You seem to have an Optical Music Recognition problem!
It's not an easy problem to solve - as a PDF of course contains no other information other than an basic image of the music - and recognising the right shapes, with the many possible styles music can be written in is not a simple problem.
Commercially, Photoscore is the main program I've heard of, which connects into Sibelius. Audiveris appears to be the main open-source option, which would produce MusicXML which you could then import into an open source editor, such as MuseScore.
My personal experience with Photoscore (a good few years ago now, I will say) - is it wasn't especially worth the effort - the level of accuracy made it easier to transcribe the score by hand. Audiveris, I have never tried. If you have access to Sibelius, you may wish to try the free demo: Photoscore Lite, and see if it works for your music.
There is a utility called PDFtoMusic Pro, but it only works with a certain kind of PDF music document. You will have to read the product description. I have found it to be extremely buggy and prone to introducing errors, but still occasionally useful for certain scores.